Space Cat

Space Cat

About Us

One day in the distant future, when space travel became commonplace, a cat named Space decided to go on a space adventure. He passed a strict selection process and became a member of the crew of the Starcat spacecraft.

During the flight, Space explored new planets and helped the team cope with various space hazards. One day, the ship was caught in a meteor shower, and Space showed his dexterity and courage, saving the team from death. After the successful completion of the mission, Space returned to Earth as a hero. His story became a legend, and his portrait adorned the walls of all spaceships.

CA: 6nrPYZzXmxAkPP9hZ9LnXsMC95fQ3TDrFCUz8aoLzu9u

Space Cat ?


  • 0% Tax
  • 1,000,000,000 Total Supply
  • Experienced team

CA: 6nrPYZzXmxAkPP9hZ9LnXsMC95fQ3TDrFCUz8aoLzu9u